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Previously, I mentioned that I walked on the route to prey on Speed star alone, but the area I visited in the second half remained nostalgic for a while One reason is a memory when I was young and took lunch at a Chinese restaurant operated by a Chinese who came by car to my area with my parents on a sunny Sunday once a half year. As I see it, about 10 people, including table and counter seats, are packed with meals for meals. Although a menu is written, you can not accept it unless you place an order with the number written on the menu. Chinese affection was bad, and they ran in parent and child. But when I go outside the store I remember that the taste was delicious with long lines each time. The atmosphere that the crowd and parents were looking forward to might have drew out the taste of the taste. It probably was worth having already tried over the food opportunity already when I remember such a thing. After eating we will eat soft ice cream in front of the supermarket and return home, but I remember it was delicious with this taste clearly for me. Although I did not notice so much at the time, I felt it when I visited again, although the streets are full of tourists, school trip excursions, the whole city is always being kept silent. This atmosphere felt something close to the space that I felt overseas before with the skin. With intuition, this memory was linked to the space that I felt somewhere, as the front of the church which went to the university’s campus and the school road, I watched somewhere. It is different from the feeling that individuals can accomplish something different from the feeling that they got somewhere from people who existed in a small community of high school. I would like to give a rest once I will settle this calm feeling here at Speed stars once. In a recent word I’d say it is also a power spot, I hope to release such an environment somewhere that they are carrying as such reasons why people like them are running the world at a tremendous speed ing. I hope that the owner of the heart that everyone is looking for should be able to guide the predator himself so that the person who is dying will not get lost., ビットコインカジノ 100 プロツェントボーナス. Trace of genes When I was watching facebook, there was an old classmate in my friend ‘s birthday celebration comment. When I took the voyeur of their profile for the first time in 20 years, it clearly showed that the impression at that time was collapsing in the opposite direction. There were two suspicious profiles, one had a considerably different appearance, there were marriages, children. I read a story that one girl repeatedly performs cosmetic surgery and sought for happiness while selling her body in the customs in the novel that I read before. Cosmetic surgery may accompany the woman ‘s happiness. In reality, it seems that a medieval woman really needs a considerable amount of money to change with cosmetic surgery. Actual investment was insufficient for these two people, and more investment was necessary for original ideal. The scarcity of their expressions actually reflected from the profile, a fake smile received a shock in a different meaning. They seemed to be playing with adding their roles to a new face. It was hard for me to recognize from the expression that their girls I knew had thrown away somewhere. On the contrary it was possible to easily link their shadows from the children. Now it becomes impossible to know whether they got the current husband or that they got the current situation with their husband ‘s investment. It might not have been particularly complain if they were stuffing silicon in their breasts. Thinking, ‘Who are you? ” I wanted to ask them but I could not make a friend request. I wonder they had a complex? I thought I closed the page gently. Even in the story of the novel she gets the best beauty, but being able to be authenticated by the person who is seeking forever did not make it. I felt the charm in the youth and I felt like I lost the keys that I could get back to the girls who were attracted somewhere. Cosmetic surgery can be understood with one expression of self love. It is predation for me and, as much as anything, if there is no visitor from overseas it is probably the same as myself does not exist. Cosmetic surgery happens to be a means of expression of that love, and happiness can be built now. The cosmetic surgery in the world of developed countries does not go away, it is becoming an element which is extremely indispensable in the field of profession. In the fields where I will survive, time will come when cosmetic surgery is required. Can I link myself to that myself at that time? Will it be closed gently as it is? 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