Last Update February 23, 2025
February 2025
Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing. -


Jessica & Pauly

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Bennett Blackburn
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"We all have a Story but not every one knows it or where it comes from" JB
Here in these pages you may discover some of yours....
© 2017 by Gerald A. Blackburn.

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All the latest news and goings on in the family.If you have an announcement or story send it to me and will get it posted. Pictures are nice too.
News Archive

News Archive

And So a New Decade Begins
2020 begins the 3rd Decade of the 21st Century. Imagine what has happened in the last 20 years and what may happen in the next 10. It has been quite a ride so far and we have accomplished so much. Our cup is more than half full, it runeth over..

OLD NEWS // Matt and Nicole Honeymoon in Hawaii.
Not much to report here, I wasn't invited but Matt tells me they really enjoyed it. I believe them. They also announced recently a new little Urrere is on the way for 2020. Happy Birthday Grandma Fran.
April 2018
June 2018
OLD NEWS // Ruby May Blackburn Scores "800" K's
Ruby May threw her 800th strikeout on October 26, 2019. She has come a long way from her first softball days. I really enjoy watching her take control of a game from the pitchers circle. We are so proud of her. This was her last season, it's an aging thing she has gotten to old to play in the league anymore. But I don't think she will be going into retirement anytime soon. She want's to start the spring season as a pitching coach. What a girl.....
NEW NEWS // On December 14th Michael coached his last official Softball League Game. Since he started he has participated in Two Softball Leagues; Coached 28 Teams or about 300+ girls of which three have been children of his team members. Now that is longevity. You will still find him at the diamond cheering on the new generation Miss Francesca.
Read more>
October 2017

OLD NEWS // Carl makes Mongolia Ralley Tour
Carl Sanders left with a Team to make the Mongolian Ralley Tour.
August 2017
OLD NEWS // Jeff and Debbie Marry
A wonderful ceremony and service was held in Huntington Beach. Family and friends wished them well for a great afternoon.
Read more>
August 2017

OLD NEWS // 5th Annual Blackburn Family Reunion held in Brea, Ca.
Well it happened again. The clan gathered in Brea for our 5th Annual Picnic.There was lots of good food, family and fun. The weather was great not to hot. We had guests from out of town; Michele and her boys, Joe and Linda as well as Andy and Amber.We talked a lot about what is going on with everyone, pinched the babies and took lots of pictures. A special thanks to Jessica and Ken and their families for hosting this years event. Next years plans are already in the works.
Check the scrapbook gallery for more pictures....

Old NEWS // Jerry Blackburn on NHK TV
When the Space Shuttle Endeavour came to L.A. Jerry was one of the technical commentators along with NASA to provide reaction and comments during the broadcast. It was great fun but I spent the entire time in the studio and never got to go outside to see it fly over.